
Each year, the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics presents the Fluid Dynamics Prize, the Stanley Corrsin Award, the François Frenkiel Award for Fluid Mechanics, and the Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics. The 2023 award winners are listed below, and each awardee will give a lecture at the Meeting.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Awards Session: Presentation of Awards and DFD Fellowships (Otto LaPorte Lecture, Stanley Corrsin Award)

10:30 am – 12:55 pm
Level 3, Ballroom ABC


10:30 am – 11:25 am Update from the DFD Executive Committee, Presentation of Awards, DFD Fellowships
11:25 am – 12:10 pm Otto LaPorte Lecture
12:10 pm – 12:55 pm Stanley Corrsin Award Lecture

2023 Fellows

Linda Cummings
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Citation: For wide-ranging and impactful contributions to the theoretical study of low-Reynolds-number free surface flows.

Bérengère Dubrulle
CNRS/CEA/University Paris-Saclay
Citation: For seminal contributions to the theory of fully developed turbulence and astro- and geophysical fluid dynamics in general, and in particular, for illuminating intermittency and the role of multiple states in turbulent flows.

Bharathram Ganapathisubramani
University of Southampton
Citation: For innovative experiments and novel data analysis that have contributed to the understanding of a variety of problems in turbulent shear flows and unsteady aerodynamics.

Dennice F. Gayme
Johns Hopkins University
Citation: For the development of reduced order models of wall-bounded turbulent flows and their use in elucidating dominant flow dynamics and processes.

David L. Hu
Georgia Institute of Technology
Citation: For innovative experiments in biological fluid mechanics and a willingness to share them with young scientists.

H. Pirouz Kavehpour
University of California, Los Angeles
Citation: For outstanding experimental research and modeling of a remarkably broad range of interfacial and small scale flows encompassing contact line motion, drop coalescence, phase change, and wetting in both natural and technological contexts.

Aditya Khair
Carnegie Mellon University
Citation: For describing the dynamics of complex fluids, including colloidal dispersions and active matter, using asymptotic analyses and numerical computations, with applications to electrokinetic phenomena such as particle transport and diffuse charge dynamics, suspension rheology, and active suspensions.

Steve Tobias
University of Leeds
Citation: For significant contributions to astrophysical and geophysical fluid dynamics, combining mathematical analysis and deep physical insight leading to considerable advances in the understanding of solar dynamos, wave-mean flow interactions, and turbulent flows, and for selfless service to the field.

Fluid Dynamics Prize and Otto Laporte Lecture

This prize is awarded for outstanding contributions to fundamental fluid dynamics research. It was established in 1979 with support from the Office of Naval Research. In 2004, the Otto Laporte Award was combined with the Fluid Dynamics Prize, so the Division of Fluid Dynamics would have a single major prize – the Fluid Dynamics Prize. The prize is now supported by the Division of Fluid Dynamics, friends of Otto Laporte, and the APS journal Physical Review Fluids. It is awarded for outstanding contributions to fundamental fluid dynamics research.

Recipient: Elisabeth Guazzelli, CNRS

Citation: For ground-breaking experiments on fluid-particle systems; for advances in the unification of the rheological description of dry granular media and dense “wet” suspensions; for guidance of theory through focused and creative experiments; and for leadership in the fluid mechanics community.

Lecture Details:
11:25 am – 12:10 pm, Sunday, November 19, 2023
Room: Ballroom ABC

Stanley Corrsin Award

This Award recognizes and encourages a particularly influential contribution to fundamental fluid dynamics. It was established from an endowment fund contributed by the DFD and held by the APS and is intended to honor a recent achievement of especially high impact and significance, a particular discovery, or an innovation in the field.

Recipient: George Haller, ETH Zurich

Citation: For long-lasting contributions to the predictive understanding and mathematical underpinnings of nonlinear dynamics of fluid flows and Lagrangian Coherent Structures, and for novel data-driven approaches to reduced order modeling.

Talk Details:
12:10 pm –12:55 pm, Sunday November 19, 2023
Room: Ballroom ABC

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics

This award recognizes exceptional early-career scientists who have performed original doctoral thesis work of outstanding scientific quality and achievement in fluid dynamics. It was established in 1998 to honor the many outstanding contributions to fluid mechanics of Dr. Andreas Acrivos, particularly his years of distinguished editorship of Physics of Fluids. It is supported by donations from members and friends of the Division of Fluid Dynamics.

Recipient: Karol Bacik, University of Cambridge

Citation: For an elegant study of dune-dune repulsion and dune-obstacle interaction using laboratory experiments, data analysis, and mathematical modeling, elucidating the intricate feedback between sediment dynamics and fluid mechanics.

Talk Details:
11:40 am –12:00 pm, Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Level 3, Ballroom A

François Frenkiel Award for Fluid Mechanics

The Division of Fluid Dynamics awards the François Frenkiel Award to young investigators to recognize significant contributions to Fluid Mechanics that have also been published during the previous year in Physical Review Fluids. Eligible authors must have not more than 12 years of full-time employment after their most advanced academic degree was awarded before the paper’s year of publication.

Recipients: Aliénor Rivière1, Daniel J. Ruth2, Wouter Mostert3, Luc Deike2,4, and Stéphane Perrard1,5,*
For their paper “Capillary driven fragmentation of large gas bubbles in turbulence,” Phys. Rev. Fluids 7, 083602 – Published 30 August 2022

Citation: For developing remarkable insights into the size distribution of fragmenting bubbles in turbulent flows and validating the theoretical predictions through experiments and direct numerical simulations.

Presenter: Aliénor Rivière.

Talk Details:
11:40 am –12:00 pm, Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Level 3, Ballroom B

Author Affiliations
1 Physique et Mécanique des Milieux Hétérogènes, CNRS, ESPCI Paris, University PSL, Paris, France
2 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
3 Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
4 High Meadows Environmental Institute, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
5 LPENS, Département de Physique, Ecole Normale Supérieure, PSL University, Paris, France